Saturday, May 12, 2012

12 Miles to the Half Marathon

It's one week before I do my 2nd ever half marathon.  The Chicago Rock and Roll half marathon was the first one I ever did on a hot, steamy, July day of 2010.  Two hours and thirty six minutes from start to finish, six minutes over my goal.  So what will half marathon of 2012 bring?  I will be happy to finish since it's been nearly two years from the first one.  But I sure would like that 2:30 or less.

To help with such a goal, I ran more often, with a bit more mileage and ended each week with a long, slow distance run.  For the past several weeks, I added a mile to a mile and a half to the long run.  Today was the last long run before the race at 12 miles.  I looked at these runs as an adventure, packing water and bare necessities for the journey.  Here's a photo journal of today's 12 miler:

From my house to Springbrook Prairie Preserve...1.25 miles to the entrance and 5.75 miles on the path that will end right at the halfway mark.  I love running in the prairie.  So much to see!  Deer, birds, frogs, other runners and bikers....   It looks very secluded, but most of the path has much civilization on the outer perimeter.

Near mile 3, a crane wades in the ponds.  This is a bed full of cranes and herons.

It looks like a giant hill up a ways from here, but it's a bit of an illusion.  Looked extra golden against the dark, stormy sky.

There was a deer under that leafy tree, but it ran off into the prairie by the time I took this.  Maybe if you looked hard enough, you could see his ears and face in the grasses.  He didn't go to far...just far enough to think I couldn't see him...or her.  It was a young deer.

Even on this cool day, I was quite sweaty.  Hydrating is super important.  Drank at mile 3.75 (these markers were not an accurate count of my run since I did not START on this path), 6.25, 8.50 and 10.25.  At 6.25, I also popped in 3 shot blocks for refueling.  :)

You can't see the red wing tip on this black bird, but they are abundant in this prairie.  One would think they own the place with their numbers and the way they proudly display themselves on tall, skinny blades of prairie grass.

Forget about all your troubles......Put on a happy face....  Certain parts of this prairie make you forget you live in a town of 150,000.

Last weekend, when I ran with my friend, Rebecca, I had to pull over three times to empty stones from my shoes.  Only had to do this once today.

Love how this path winds around.

Cyclists enjoying the cloud formation laden path...

Considering that someone once dumped an alligator in one of these Springbrook ponds, I don't think swimming here is too tempting.

Leaving the nature area at exactly the halfway point.  Six miles and still going strong.

Running past a retention pond in an unincorporated area.

Liked how these trees led the way into the neighborhood...From incorporated.

Long stretch of sidewalk.  To infinity and beyond!

This is a sad, sad picture.  So many times in the past two years, I would ride my bike to that driveway where good friend, Richard and sometimes his wife, Pauline, would gather other cyclists for our weekend long cycling adventure.  Many GREAT memories of stories, jokes, prayers, chit chats that started and ended our road trips to Tour de Farms at this lovely home of Richard and Pauline.  Miss them like mad!  They live in Des Moines.  Might see Pauline in a few weeks when she visits!

YIKES....Mile 8.  Mile 8 is always a "HIT THE WALL" mile for me.  It wasn't tooooo bad this time, but as usual, it started the decline of my energy and form.  Had to keep reminding myself to maintain good form to keep light on my feet.  Muscles were getting tired.  Slouching becomes the preferred form and I have to straighten up and suck in my gut.  This really does help and yet, seems to take more effort.  An odd feeling.  It'll be a bit miserable from now to the end.

To the house just two short blocks down the road.  To the right, another 3 miles of running.  Am I insane?  I turned right and went for the whole thing.  "See you later, house....I've got three more miserable miles to go!"

Didn't mind these underground sprinkler systems today.  Hit me, baby!

Mile ten was at the entrance to Knock Knolls park.  A trail I use for cycling often.  Sure do miss my bike right about now!  Seems much easier than this run!  But two more miles to go!  I can do this!

The last mile as I pass Kingsley School (on my left).  Over this hill and turning left for the final mile.  That couch is calling my name!

Home, Sweet, Home!  I did it !!!!  Next weekend....13.1 miles.  So now...the recovery begins and the taper week also begins.  No more 5 milers or intervals.  Just nice, short runs to keep things going but not building up lactic acid.

Looking forward to recovering these tired muscles!

A cup of plain non-fat Greek yogurt mixed with all natural peach preserves with no cane sugar added. Yum!  Get that protein in within 30 minutes of such a workout.  Relax...and HEAL!

Half Marathon....Here I come!

Happy Trails!

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